Asia Minor Coins - Photo Gallery

Ancient Greek and Roman coins from Asia Minor

Most viewed - Aimilion
Aimilion (BC 100-0) AE 23131 viewsca 66-50/45 BC. AE23 (11.64g, 1h). Turreted head of the city-goddess to right / AIMIΛΙO[Y], winged thunderbolt with star-in-crescent atop. Extremely rare. Earthen deposits, VF.

The city of Aimilion is only known from its extremely rare 1st century coinage. It may have been named after M. Aemilius Scaurus, who was campaigning in the region during the war of Pompey the Great against Mithradates VI Eupator.
Aimilion (BC 100-0) AE 22118 viewsAimilion (or Haimilion), ca 1st century BC. AE22 (7.33g). Laureate head of Apollo right / AIMIΛΙΟΥ, winged thunderbolt; crescent and star above. VF. Very rare.
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